We hired Greg Loerzel Construction to install a septic system on the recommendation of a neighbor who has connections to many contractors in the Black Hills. Overall, I think the total cost of our project was marginally more than average, but the results were worth far more than the difference. First, Greg brings extensive experience and knowledge to the project. We brought him in to do the work when the previous contractor failed to show up. He quickly found errors in his predecessor’s design, explained what he found and how he was going to fix it, and then made the appropriate adjustments. We learned a lot from his explanations, and he saved us the pain of costly fixes down the road. He’s very thorough to ensure everything is done right the first time. Second, he was true to his word on when he was going to do the work and was diligent in focusing singly on our project and working through challenges until it was done to satisfaction. Start to finish was less than a week. This was in contrast to some other construction companies that show up for short periods over a long period time before the work is complete. Third, he communicates very well. He asked questions to make sure he was doing exactly what we needed. He explained his process, answered questions, and followed up as things progressed to ensure we were satisfied. In the end, everything went like clockwork, the bill at the end was what he said it would be with no unpleasant surprises, and we have utmost confidence in the long-term performance of our system. We feel we received exceptional value for our money. We give Greg Loerzel highest marks for integrity, diligence, and following the Golden Rule. Truly one of the great gems in the Hills! Highly recommend and we’d give him extra stars if we could.
Weemhoff Carpet & Uphl Cleaning in New London, NC 28127 Directions, Business Hours, Phone and Reviews 36120 Napier Rd, New London, North Carolina 28127 (NC)      
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Carpet/upholstery Cleaning
Weemhoff Carpet & Uphl Cleaning Address:
36120 Napier Rd New London North Carolina 28127 NCAbout Weemhoff Carpet & Uphl Cleaning
Weemhoff Carpet & Uphl Cleaning is largely engaged in Carpet/upholstery Cleaning. Weemhoff Carpet & Uphl Cleaning operates in New London North Carolina 28127. This business is involved in Carpet/upholstery Cleaning as well as other possible related aspects and functions of Carpet/upholstery Cleaning. In New London Weemhoff Carpet & Uphl Cleaning maintains its local business operations and may possibly perform other local business operations outside of New London in additional operations related to Carpet/upholstery Cleaning.
About Christophe Weemhoff
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Weemhoff Carpet & Uphl Cleaning Job Positions Available In New London, North Carolina
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New London Employment Statistics
Industry | # of Employers | Avg Weekly Wage |
Information | 21,532 | $2,105 |
Leisure and hospitality | 58,657 | $407 |
Management of companies and enterprises | 3,839 | $3,297 |
Manufacturing | 35,024 | $824 |
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction | 360 | $604 |
Natural resources and mining | 2,840 | $371 |
Other services | 68,970 | $560 |
Other services, except public administration | 68,970 | $560 |
Some interesting facts about
Stanly County
Number of Households: 22,629
Median Income: $43,424
Size of County: 395 sq mi.