RAC -The company that insists the customer should do the job for them. This Albuquerque branch of the company has quite the grift going on. They take money as well as your possessions from other carriers while they pose as a final destination delivery service and refuse to deliver, forcing you to come up with a plan to make your own delivery. I've lived in the same house for over twenty years, and I've purchased many large items from furniture to appliances and beyond and RAC in Albuquerque is the only company that has ever failed to deliver a large item to my home, in fact they are the only company that has ever whined, complained or even suggested that a delivery can't be done. My advice if you are thinking of using them is to find a way around them, even if you need to spend more upfront, believe me when I tell you, it will cost you far less in both time and money at the end of the day. I would go so far as to urge any company you purchase a large item from to make sure RAC in Albuquerque never touches your items at any point in the delivery process. I would strongly recommend anyone needing delivery service to seek out professionals who know how to get the job done. RAC in Albuquerque is little more than a overpriced and glorified storage unit where you can pick up your own deliveries.
Dollar Warehouse in Souderton, PA 18964 Directions, Business Hours, Phone and Reviews 708 Route 113, Souderton, Pennsylvania 18964 (PA)       (215) 721-9050
View All Records For This Phone #Dollar Warehouse in Souderton, Pennsylvania
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General Merchandise Stores-directory
Dollar Warehouse Address:
708 Route 113 Souderton Pennsylvania 18964 PADollar Warehouse Phone:
(215) 721-9050 View All Records Of This Phone #Dollar Warehouse Owner:
Chong LeeAbout Dollar Warehouse
Dollar Warehouse is mostly involved in General Merchandise Stores-directory. Dollar Warehouse operates in Pennsylvania. This business establishment is involved in General Merchandise Stores-directory as well as other possible related aspects and functions of General Merchandise Stores-directory. In Souderton Pennsylvania 18964 Dollar Warehouse maintains its local business operations and may possibly conduct other local business operations outside of Souderton in additional operations related to General Merchandise Stores-directory.
About Chong Lee
Our records indicate that Chong Lee is the owner of Dollar Warehouse in Souderton, Pennsylvania. To update this record please click here.
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Contact Number for Dollar Warehouse in Souderton, Pennsylvania
Phone: (215) 721-9050
Dollar Warehouse Job Positions Available In Souderton, Pennsylvania
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Souderton Employment Statistics
Industry | # of Employers | Avg Weekly Wage |
Information | 21,532 | $2,105 |
Leisure and hospitality | 58,657 | $407 |
Management of companies and enterprises | 3,839 | $3,297 |
Manufacturing | 35,024 | $824 |
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction | 360 | $604 |
Natural resources and mining | 2,840 | $371 |
Other services | 68,970 | $560 |
Other services, except public administration | 68,970 | $560 |
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Montgomery County
Number of Households: 307,598
Median Income: $78,446
Size of County: 483 sq mi.