I contracted with kendall hisey to work on my bathroom. He was also suppose to put a new roof on my house. I paid him a little over 6000 dollars. He demanded to be paid up front. He had some bogus story about a homeowner ripping him off 120,000 dollars. He wrote up his bogus contact with me and we both signed it. After I had him paid in full he promised to put me on his schedule to fix my house the following week. . I paid him in full on a Friday nite. On Monday morning I called him to see when he would put me on his schedule to do the work on my home. He blew me off. I started calling him on Tuesday morning and his phone kept going to voicemail. It was like this for two days. On that Tuesday morning I looked at reviews about his company on line. I tried doing this before I hired him but I couldn't find anything about him on the internet. After I started dealing with him I knew how his company name was spelled. K double h construction. The naming convention of his company is tricky. You can't pull it up on the internet if u don't exactly what it is called. Anyhow I saw all of the bad reviews popping up on the internet of where he would take money from people up front and not do the work. I went to cedar park to the address he had listed on his bogus contract. It was a real estate company that he rented an office from. They told me that he had been evicted due to the constant stream of customers looking for him that he had ripped off, and constables hanging judgements on his door. I was able to.put a stop payment on a 3500 dollar check that I had given him. This really pist him off. I guess he must have needed the money for one of the other scams he was running. I texted him and told him that I didn't believe he was going to do any work on my house and that I wanted my money refunded and not to come on my property. He threatened me with theft of services, a lien on my house and to hurt me if I didn't pay him the rest of my money that he thought he was entitled to. He even went as far to send me this bogus bill to justify keeping my 2600 dollars that he still had of mine. On the bogus bill he sent me he had charges of several hundred dollars per trip for coming out to my house to pick up money from me. I.surely hope people read this review and don't make the same mistake I made. BEWARE. This guy is a scammer and a con artist
Quality Die Shop Inc in Hazlet, NJ 07730 Directions, Business Hours, Phone and Reviews 8 Phyllis St, Hazlet, New Jersey 07730 (NJ)       (732) 888-5400
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Tool & Die Makers
Quality Die Shop Inc Address:
8 Phyllis St Hazlet New Jersey 07730 NJQuality Die Shop Inc Phone:
(732) 888-5400 View All Records Of This Phone #Quality Die Shop Inc Owner:
Kirk HarrisAbout Quality Die Shop Inc
Quality Die Shop Inc is generally involved in Tool & Die Makers. Quality Die Shop Inc operates in New Jersey. This business organization is involved in Tool & Die Makers as well as other possible related aspects and functions of Tool & Die Makers. In Hazlet New Jersey Quality Die Shop Inc maintains its local business operations and may perhaps accomplish other local business operations outside of Hazlet in additional functions related to Tool & Die Makers.
About Kirk Harris
Our records indicate that Kirk Harris is the owner of Quality Die Shop Inc in Hazlet, New Jersey. To update this record please click here.
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Contact Number for Quality Die Shop Inc in Hazlet, New Jersey
Phone: (732) 888-5400
Quality Die Shop Inc Job Positions Available In Hazlet, New Jersey
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Hazlet Employment Statistics
Industry | # of Employers | Avg Weekly Wage |
Information | 21,532 | $2,105 |
Leisure and hospitality | 58,657 | $407 |
Management of companies and enterprises | 3,839 | $3,297 |
Manufacturing | 35,024 | $824 |
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction | 360 | $604 |
Natural resources and mining | 2,840 | $371 |
Other services | 68,970 | $560 |
Other services, except public administration | 68,970 | $560 |
Some interesting facts about
Monmouth County
Number of Households: 233,120
Median Income: $83,842
Size of County: 469 sq mi.