Debt Help Advice

Where to Turn for Debt Help Advice

The past several years have been an economic nightmare for millions of families, and many people still do not know where to turn for debt help advice. Here are five common situations that folks face, and where you can obtain the guidance you need to extricate yourself from a financial morass.

1. Do you have a low credit score? A low credit score can impact myriad areas of your life, from your ability to rent an apartment to your ability to get a promotion. If you don't know your credit score, turn to By law, you are entitled to a yearly free credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus. If there is inaccurate information in your credit report, file a dispute with the credit bureau, and stay on it until the matter is cleared up.

2. Are debt collectors calling? If debt collectors are calling you day and night, if they're calling early in the morning or late at night, or if they're calling you at work, they may be in violation of the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Turn to a fair debt lawyer in Bacova VA for debt help advice. Because violators of the FDCPA are responsible for paying your legal fees, the debt help advice you receive from a lawyer in Bacova VA should be free.

3. Are you having difficulty sorting out all of your debts? If your financial situation is overwhelming, you may need debt help advice from a debt management service company. Before engaging in their services, though, thoroughly check them out to ensure that they are legitimate. Many debt management companies have come under investigation by federal authorities and the [statetitle] Attorney General.

4. Are you ashamed of your debt? While people intellectually know that many Americans are facing financial hardship - or devastation - they often feel shame about seeking debt help advice. It's important to have someone you can confide in, whether it's a family member, a close friend, or a professional. Getting the support you need can help see you through this rough time, and prepare you for a more hopeful future.

5. Have you contacted your creditors? Sometimes the best route is a direct one. While it's tempting to put your head in the proverbial sand, you may be surprised to know that your creditors can offer debt help advice. If you call and explain your situation, chances are that they'll either arrange for a workable payment plan or will negotiate a debt settlement.

The bottom line? Know that you're not alone, and that there are many sources of debt help advice available to you.