Drug rehab centers

Advice from Drug Rehab Centers: Know the Warning Signs of Addiction

As parents, we can nurture our children and guide them throughout childhood and early adolescence, yet despite our best efforts they can take a wayward path. While it's tempting to avert our eyes and go through our days choosing to believe that our children are alright, our instincts may tell us that our children are in trouble. Drug rehab centers in Middleburg VA urge parents to look for warning signs of addiction.

If you suspect that your child may be a substance abuser, be on the lookout for these warning signs:

School Issues: Her grades may be dropping, she may be cutting classes, she may be skipping school, or she may be falling asleep in class. If you're unsure, contact the attendance clerk at her school and check with her teachers.

Financial Issues: He may be asking for more money, he may be spending more money, he may be stealing money from you, or he may be selling items he owns.

Emotional Issues: She may be withdrawn, she may isolate herself, she may refuse to make eye contact, or she may be verbally abusive, manipulative, defiant, or threatening.

Shifts in Friendships: He may drop his long-standing friends, he may surround himself with new people, he may refuse to let you meet his friends, or he may be secretive about his texts and other electronics.

Physical Changes: She may lose or gain weight, she may experience continual sleepiness or sleeplessness, and she may have slurred speech or red eyes.

Drug rehab centers in Middleburg VA also state that a number of significant life events can trigger addiction problems. For example, sexual or physical abuse can lead the teen to drugs as an escape mechanism. Likewise, the loss of a parent - through divorce, abandonment, or death - can cause a child to turn to drugs. Drug rehab centers also cite a serious illness in the family or another high-stress even as fodder for addiction.

If your son or daughter is exhibiting any of these warning signs, look for drug rehab centers in [statetitle]. They can help you find additional information and alert you to treatment options that are available.