Advertise Your Business

Three Unusual Ways to Advertise Your Business Online

Are you looking for new ways to advertise your business? Whether you have an online business or run a brick and mortar shop in Pecos NM, advertising your business online is a bargain, especially when you consider the results you can get. There are dozens of ways to get publicity and advertise your business on the Internet, and the benefits for your business can be tremendous. If you thought that the only ways to advertise online are Google AdWords and banner ads, this list of three ways to advertise your business online ñ and reach people in Pecos NM ñ will give you a lot of things to think about.

Advertise Your Business with Photos on Instagram

Amy, who runs an urban consignment and antique mall, regularly posts photos of new acquisitions on her Instagram feed, which is also connected to the shopís Facebook account. She also posts photos of sold items ìat homeî in their new locations. Not sure how to advertise your business on Instagram? Post photos of staff unpacking new inventory or pictures of satisfied customers with their purchases ñ with permission, of course!

Tweet News to Your Customers

Joeyís ice cream truck has a standard route, but he found that business really picked up when he started tweeting his arrival at specific locations via Twitter, and a local pizza shop tweets a daily special sandwich on its Twitter feed. If you decide to advertise your business via Twitter, be sure to mix your advertising in with social marketing, like birthday wishes to customers or local public figures.

Support a Local Blogger

One of the easiest ways to advertise your business online is to take out an ad on one or more local blogs. One independently owned [statetitle] bookstore pays for banner ads on the most popular local blogs and runs a monthly bestseller giveaway on each of them. Itís a win-win situation. The bloggers get more traffic and the bookstore gets more business.
Get creative when you advertise your business online. The more fun you have with your advertising campaign, the more engaging it will be for your customers.