Gerber gentle flex pacifier

Top Benefits of the Gerber Gentle Flex Pacifier

Pacifiers can be a contentious issue among new - and older - moms. Pop into any moms-and-babies group in Broomfield CO and you'll find a sharp divide between moms who use pacifiers and moms who think they're one of the most evil creations ever invented. The fact is that pacifiers offer a number of benefits for parents who choose to use them, and the Gerber Gentle Flex pacifier is a cut above the typical baby pacifier on the market.

Unlike many of the pacifiers on the market, the Gerber Gentle Flex pacifier is designed to counteract the most common complaints about babies and pacifiers. Here's a quick rundown of the way the special design of the Gerber Gentle Flex pacifier makes sense for your baby's needs.

Reduces Nipple Confusion

One of the most common complaints about standard pacifiers is that they can result in nipple confusion for breastfed babies. The classic bulb shape of most pacifier nipples - and the sticky rubber material from which they're made - certainly can make it more difficult for newborns to establish the proper method of suckling for breastfeeding. The Gerber Gentle Flex pacifier is designed to more closely resemble a nipple and to change shape naturally as your baby suckles. That and the soft, flexible silicone material make the Gerber Gentle Flex pacifier a more natural alternative that won't interfere with your breastfeeding.

Reduced Choking Hazard

Traditional pacifiers present a serious choking hazard to small children and babies because they are made in two or more pieces. If the handle comes loose, a baby can accidentally swallow either the handle or the bulb and choke on it. The Gerber Gentle Flex pacifier is made all in one piece, so there are no small parts to break off and the whole thing is too large to create a choking hazard.

Easy to Find

Tired of looking for a dropped pacifier with a pale pink, blue or yellow handle? The Gerber Gentle Flex pacifier comes in bright, bold colors that are easy to see and find when your little one drops it. It's a small consideration, but one that's surprisingly important when you're trying to find a dropped pacifier in a busy store or mall.

For these and many other reasons, the Gerber Gentle Flex pacifier is the choice for most Broomfield CO parents. You'll find the Gerber Gentle Flex pacifier in many [statetitle] department, discount and baby stores, as well as online.