I'm waiting for a package from Amazon, and tracking information says it left at 7:19am and to expect it by 8pm! Really? Over 12 hour wait? Finally see the mail truck about around 4:15. Race to the front door, but he's gone. NO PACKAGE. I check all around the porch and even go to the back door. NOTHING! I go back inside to check the online status. It reads "DELIVERED. LEFT AT FRONT DOOR!" Oh, no it's not. I go back outside to check again. My neighbor pulls up, and asks what's wrong? I tell her the mailman didn't deliver my package. She asks "Is it from Amazon?" Yes, I reply. "Well, there's a package by my door." Sure enough - MY PACKAGE delivered to the WRONG address. After a 9 hour wait, the mailman can't even read the right address!!
Family Dollar Store in Waltham, MA 2453 Directions, Business Hours, Phone and Reviews 309 Moody St, Waltham, Massachusetts 2453 (MA)       (781) 647-0127
View All Records For This Phone #Family Dollar Store in Waltham, Massachusetts
4/5 Based on 1 Review(s)Family Dollar Store : Take Our Survey and Rate and Review This Business Here!
Discount Stores
Family Dollar Store Address:
309 Moody St Waltham Massachusetts 2453 MAFamily Dollar Store Phone:
(781) 647-0127 View All Records Of This Phone #Family Dollar Store Owner:
Steven Block, Site ManagerAbout Family Dollar Store
Family Dollar Store is primarily involved in Discount Stores. Family Dollar Store operates in Waltham. This business organization is involved in Discount Stores as well as other possible related aspects and functions of Discount Stores. In Waltham Massachusetts 2453 Family Dollar Store maintains its local business operations and may perhaps accomplish other local business operations outside of Waltham in additional operations related to Discount Stores.
About Steven Block, Site Manager
Our records indicate that Steven Block, Site Manager is the owner of Family Dollar Store in Waltham, Massachusetts. To update this record please click here.
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Reviews for Family Dollar Store in Waltham, Massachusetts
Take Our Survey and Rate and Review This Business Here! (Text Reviews older than 24 months may not be shown.)
I'm waiting for a package from Amazon, and tracking information says it left at 7:19am and to expect it by 8pm! Really? Over 12 hour wait? Finally see the mail truck about around 4:15. Race to the front door, but he's gone. NO PACKAGE. I check all around the porch and even go to the back door. NOTHING! I go back inside to check the online status. It reads "DELIVERED. LEFT AT FRONT DOOR!" Oh, no it's not. I go back outside to check again. My neighbor pulls up, and asks what's wrong? I tell her the mailman didn't deliver my package. She asks "Is it from Amazon?" Yes, I reply. "Well, there's a package by my door." Sure enough - MY PACKAGE delivered to the WRONG address. After a 9 hour wait, the mailman can't even read the right address!!
I'm waiting for a package from Amazon, and tracking information says it left at 7:19am and to expect it by 8pm! Really? Over 12 hour wait? Finally see the mail truck about around 4:15. Race to the front door, but he's gone. NO PACKAGE. I check all around the porch and even go to the back door. NOTHING! I go back inside to check the online status. It reads "DELIVERED. LEFT AT FRONT DOOR!" Oh, no it's not. I go back outside to check again. My neighbor pulls up, and asks what's wrong? I tell her the mailman didn't deliver my package. She asks "Is it from Amazon?" Yes, I reply. "Well, there's a package by my door." Sure enough - MY PACKAGE delivered to the WRONG address. After a 9 hour wait, the mailman can't even read the right address!!
I'm waiting for a package from Amazon, and tracking information says it left at 7:19am and to expect it by 8pm! Really? Over 12 hour wait? Finally see the mail truck about around 4:15. Race to the front door, but he's gone. NO PACKAGE. I check all around the porch and even go to the back door. NOTHING! I go back inside to check the online status. It reads "DELIVERED. LEFT AT FRONT DOOR!" Oh, no it's not. I go back outside to check again. My neighbor pulls up, and asks what's wrong? I tell her the mailman didn't deliver my package. She asks "Is it from Amazon?" Yes, I reply. "Well, there's a package by my door." Sure enough - MY PACKAGE delivered to the WRONG address. After a 9 hour wait, the mailman can't even read the right address!!
I'm waiting for a package from Amazon, and tracking information says it left at 7:19am and to expect it by 8pm! Really? Over 12 hour wait? Finally see the mail truck about around 4:15. Race to the front door, but he's gone. NO PACKAGE. I check all around the porch and even go to the back door. NOTHING! I go back inside to check the online status. It reads "DELIVERED. LEFT AT FRONT DOOR!" Oh, no it's not. I go back outside to check again. My neighbor pulls up, and asks what's wrong? I tell her the mailman didn't deliver my package. She asks "Is it from Amazon?" Yes, I reply. "Well, there's a package by my door." Sure enough - MY PACKAGE delivered to the WRONG address. After a 9 hour wait, the mailman can't even read the right address!!
I'm waiting for a package from Amazon, and tracking information says it left at 7:19am and to expect it by 8pm! Really? Over 12 hour wait? Finally see the mail truck about around 4:15. Race to the front door, but he's gone. NO PACKAGE. I check all around the porch and even go to the back door. NOTHING! I go back inside to check the online status. It reads "DELIVERED. LEFT AT FRONT DOOR!" Oh, no it's not. I go back outside to check again. My neighbor pulls up, and asks what's wrong? I tell her the mailman didn't deliver my package. She asks "Is it from Amazon?" Yes, I reply. "Well, there's a package by my door." Sure enough - MY PACKAGE delivered to the WRONG address. After a 9 hour wait, the mailman can't even read the right address!!
Contact Number for Family Dollar Store in Waltham, Massachusetts
Phone: (781) 647-0127
Family Dollar Store Job Positions Available In Waltham, Massachusetts
4/5 Based on 1 Review(s)
Family Dollar Store : Take Our Survey and Rate and Review This Business Here!
Waltham Employment Statistics
Industry | # of Employers | Avg Weekly Wage |
Information | 21,532 | $2,105 |
Leisure and hospitality | 58,657 | $407 |
Management of companies and enterprises | 3,839 | $3,297 |
Manufacturing | 35,024 | $824 |
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction | 360 | $604 |
Natural resources and mining | 2,840 | $371 |
Other services | 68,970 | $560 |
Other services, except public administration | 68,970 | $560 |
Some interesting facts about
Middlesex County
Number of Households: 577,349
Median Income: $79,691
Size of County: 818 sq mi.