The owner of this company, Bernard (BJ) Kintner is not an honest businessman. His company, Eagle Rock Construction in Aurora CO was hired for a small drywall repair in a condo in Aurora CO. He was hired by the HOA for repair. BJ took cruel advantage of the sickly disabled homeowner. He told the woman he needed an 'economical drive' and conned her into 'selling him her car' for a small pittance of what it was worth. Once the woman realized what had happened, she told BJ to return her car ASAP. He refused and said he had registered the car in his name. It was later discovered that Bernard had actually sold the car on Craigslist. He set the 'sale' up to like look the homeowner had sold to the person that answered the ad. Bernard's only interest in the woman's car was that he realized the woman was too ill to understand what was happening and he would be able to take advantage. He had lied about needing the car or registering it. A police report was filed against Bernard Kintner for taking advantage of a disabled person. This man basically stole this woman's car and greedily pocketed what the car was worth.
Integrated Wealth Management in Edison, NJ 8837 Directions, Business Hours, Phone and Reviews 101 Fieldcrest Avenue, Edison, New Jersey 8837 (NJ)       (732) 510-1600
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Integrated Wealth Management Address:
101 Fieldcrest Avenue Edison New Jersey 8837 NJIntegrated Wealth Management Phone:
(732) 510-1600 View All Records Of This Phone #Integrated Wealth Management Owner:
Gary HagerAbout Integrated Wealth Management
Integrated Wealth Management is mainly engaged in Insurance. Integrated Wealth Management operates in New Jersey. This establishment is involved in Insurance as well as other possible related aspects and functions of Insurance. In New Jersey Integrated Wealth Management maintains its local business operations and may accomplish other local business operations outside of New Jersey in additional functions related to Insurance.
About Gary Hager
Our records indicate that Gary Hager is the owner of Integrated Wealth Management in Edison, New Jersey. To update this record please click here.
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Contact Number for Integrated Wealth Management in Edison, New Jersey
Phone: (732) 510-1600
Integrated Wealth Management Job Positions Available In Edison, New Jersey
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Edison Employment Statistics
Industry | # of Employers | Avg Weekly Wage |
Information | 21,532 | $2,105 |
Leisure and hospitality | 58,657 | $407 |
Management of companies and enterprises | 3,839 | $3,297 |
Manufacturing | 35,024 | $824 |
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction | 360 | $604 |
Natural resources and mining | 2,840 | $371 |
Other services | 68,970 | $560 |
Other services, except public administration | 68,970 | $560 |
Some interesting facts about
Middlesex County
Number of Households: 278,513
Median Income: $78,622
Size of County: 309 sq mi.