Managed Hosting Providers

Criteria for Choosing Managed Hosting Providers

If you've decided that managed hosting is the right choice for your business in Mesquite NV, your next decision will be which of the many [statetitle] managed hosting providers should get your business. These criteria can help you assess and choose among the various managed hosting providers you will be considering.

Technology and Equipment

One of the biggest benefits of choosing managed hosting for your Mesquite NV business is that you'll have access to the latest servers and technology. When assessing managed hosting providers, ask about the age and the specs of the servers on which your web services will be hosted.

Network History and Capability

Look for managed hosting providers with an excellent record of providing stable, fast service to all customers. The providers you consider should offer reliable network connections, redundancy and multiple points of presence.

Disaster Recovery Capability

Disaster can strike anywhere, but the best managed hosting providers will have a bulletproof disaster recovery plan to guarantee that your website will be up and available no matter what happens. Ask about the company's disaster recovery plan and failover plans and choose the ones that can guarantee you continued service throughout emergencies and disasters.


While the stability of your connection is important for hosting purposes, the stability of the managed hosting providers you interview can seriously affect your website. In addition to evaluating the technical and functional capabilities of the providers you're considering, you should also consider how long the company has been in business and the long-term stability of the company.

Staff Credentials and Expertise

Ask the managed hosting providers on your list about its staff expertise and certifications, as well as about the average staff turnover rate and length of employment. The best companies will have long-term staff with a variety of credentials and certifications, including Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and Cisco Certified Network Associate.

Pricing Options

As tempting as it may be to choose the hosting provider with the lowest price, it's more important to choose the one that provides you the services and assurances your company needs to flourish. Focus on negotiating the right service levels with each of the managed hosting providers you're considering and you'll end up with the best choice for your Mesquite NV business.