Email Marketing Software Open Source

What to Look for in an Email Marketing Software Open Source Solution

Email marketing is one of the most effective online marketing methods in existence, with response rates more than double search engine marketing, social media marketing and pay per click advertising. Email marketing software, on the other hand, can be expensive. If you run a Donald OR small business or non-profit on a tight budget, you may be looking for an email marketing software open source solution that works. There are some very good reasons to choose an open source email marketing solution, but it's important to find an email marketing open source program that provides the features and benefits you need to reach the Donald OR and global market.

There are a number of email software marketing open source solutions on the market. Many of them fall short in several critical areas. Here's what you need if you want an affordable email marketing software solution that provides what you get from the top commercial programs.

Hosted Email Marketing

Most open source email marketing programs are self-hosted, which can seriously limit the number of emails you can send out per hour. Many email hosts limit your emails to no more than 300 per hour. At that rate, it will take you more than three hours to send out your marketing emails to a list of 1,000 people - and if your email marketing list runs into the tens of thousands, it can take days to send out a single email blast. Look for an email marketing software open source solution that provides email hosting to remove that limit and expedite your marketing campaigns.

A Slick, Intuitive Interface

The user-friendly interface is vital to making an email marketing solution easy to use. Many open source solutions are hard to understand and harder to navigate. Even worse, the poor interface hints at underlying problems with user support. Obviously, you want more than good looks in an email marketing software open source platform, but a clunky, hard to use interface is about more than good looks.

Professional Features

Look for an email marketing software open source platform that provides professional features found in most commercial marketing solutions. A few important must-have features include:

* Email throttling
* WYSIWIG email editor
* Good bounce handling
* Simple administration interface
* Analytical tools so you can measure the success of your campaign

If you're serious about marketing your [statetitle] business or nonprofit through email, you need to shop for the best email marketing platform you can find. There are a few email marketing software open source platforms that measure up, but you'll have to do your research to find them.

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