Diabetic equipment and supplies

Traveling with Diabetic Equipment and Supplies

Diabetes puts many limits on your life, but it doesn't have to limit your ability to enjoy travel. People with diabetes frequently fly for vacations and to visit friends and family. If you're planning to travel and you have diabetes, you just have to be aware of your needs and plan for your diabetic equipment and supplies. These tips can help you prepare for a trip from Burgettstown PA to any destination in the world, even if you need to carry diabetic equipment and supplies with you.

Proper Planning Is the Key to Traveling with Diabetic Equipment and Supplies

Spontaneity is the one element of travel that may have to take a back seat if you're diabetic. Proper planning is vital to making sure you have all the diabetic equipment and supplies to last throughout your trip. That planning should include the following:

Discuss your travel plans with your Burgettstown PA medical professional. In addition to providing you with important information and advice, you'll need to have your doctor write prescriptions for all the medications and diabetes supplies you'll need for your trip. It's also a good idea to have your doctor write up a travel letter that describes your diabetes plan. This isn't required by U.S. airport security, but can be helpful in many situations, as noted below.

Order and pack the proper amount of diabetes equipment and supplies you'll need for your entire trip. When packing, keep your insulin in the original prescription box with the label from your Burgettstown PA pharmacy or other supplier. It will make it easier for you to get through airport security.

A Diabetic Travel Letter

Ask your doctor to write a letter that you can show to doctors in other cities if you need medical care while you're on the road. It should include your diabetes treatment plan so other doctors know exactly what treatments you're receiving.

It should also state exactly which diabetic equipment and supplies you need to carry with you as part of your treatment and insulin injection therapy. Keep all of your equipment and supplies in their original boxes, and keep your travel letter with your diabetic equipment and supplies. You'll get through security checkpoints and airport security more easily. Any [statetitle] doctor will understand exactly what your travel letter should say about your diabetic equipment and supplies.

Finally, place your insulin, lancets, syringes, test strips and any other diabetic equipment and supplies you'll need into a travel kit that you can carry with you. Never check it with your luggage and be sure to inform the airport screeners that you are carrying medical supplies to treat your diabetes with you so that they can be properly screened and passed.