Holistic Alcohol Rehab

Holistic Alcohol Rehab: A Better Choice

When it comes time to get help for alcohol addiction, it's difficult to know where to turn. With thousands of treatment centers throughout the United States, finding the right one can make your head spin. Increasingly, however, treatment is moving away from the traditional twelve-step model and toward a body-mind approach. Chances are, there is this kind of holistic alcohol rehab center in Cheyenne WY or a nearby area.

Many people have a difficult time grasping the nature of holistic alcohol rehab centers, but after learning about them, intuitively feel that the approach is sound. Essentially, a holistic alcohol rehab center works upon the premise that the mind and body aren't separate, but are integrated with the spirit to create the whole person. Typically, a holistic alcohol rehab center - whether in [statetitle] or any other state - doesn't perceive alcoholism as a disease in the medical sense, but rather as a symptom of an imbalance in mind-body-spirit harmony.

Out of this philosophy grows a number of treatment options for those who have problems with alcohol. While treatments at holistic alcohol rehab centers are typically tailored to the individual, they often include emerging therapies like Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), as well as hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming.

Yet these therapies are usually only one facet of the treatment provided at holistic alcohol rehab centers. They typically offer both individual and group psychotherapy, using the theories of "third force" or humanistic psychology. An exercise regime and holistic nutritional approach is often used to help the body transition from addiction to well-being, and typically includes treatment for vitamin and mineral imbalances.

To nurture the spirit, a holistic alcohol rehab center in Cheyenne WY typically encourages expressions of religious faith, while also teaching practices rooted in Buddhism, such as mindfulness meditation. While formal worship services aren't usually provided, some holistic alcohol rehab centers make it a point to transport those in treatment to a nearby church, synagogue, or mosque.

While holistic alcohol rehab differs from traditional models of treating alcoholism, its kinder, gentler approach enables those in treatment to focus on integrating their minds, bodies, and spirits and moving toward a future of well-being.